Monday, August 31, 2015

Here we go...


This will grow into a place of research notes and developmental ideas and conversations on subjects - especially censorship and sensual power.

It will be a place of conversation and questions, a place of collaboration and intrigue.

I fundamentally believe Mae West is a radical artist and a lot of what she had to say on issues are still relevant.  I am struck by how her core essence of flirtatious confidence is still culturally threatening today.

The plan is to develop a play based on research into Mae West's experience with censorship and how with humor and grace we can walk the line and be our fullest selves.

I am not sure where this adventure will lead us- but I know a piece will be developed for Spring 2017 and I am delighted that you are joining me on this Journey.

As of today, I have read her Autobiography "Goodness Had Nothing to Do With It", watched many of her movies, and begun in-depth research in the NYPL Performing Arts Archives.

I plan to go back through all her films, her plays, some novels, and respond to them.
I am also applying  to developmental residencies, forging collaborations, and doing in-depth research into her world.

I am happy to have conversations with you here- as we enjoy the luxury of submerging ourselves into the joys of Mae West.